Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Brain functions, Multiple Intelligences, Mind and Memory

The website was originally set up in response to the large number of people who where searching the Internet for information on Multiple Intelligences. It was not a subject I had researching into myself, but it is linked to my own teacher training and aims as a teacher to bring out the individual talent of each pupil. I was Froebel trained and through this training learned, early on in my training, to observe how individual pupils learn. I only wish that teachers' training now-a-days gave students those same opportunities. Almost every course we did, at sometime involved working with a group of children and observing how they learned. It is with this background that I find the theory of Multiple Intelligences so interesting.

I began by finding ten books and two videos that would assist those who were searching the web for information. This, I thought, would be a start for anyone new to the subject and might fill gaps in the knowledge of those already familiar with MI theory. As a result, teachers, professors and researchers have contacted me from many different countries.

This week I have added books and videos to the site on the related themes of the Brain, Mind and Memory. I hope these too will be of interest to you and add to your knowledge .

Here is the link:,Mind,Memory.htm

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